CVV Only Mode Configuration

CVV Only Mode allows for the CVV tied to an existing token to be updated by loading a single CVV input.

Generating the Authentication Key for CVV Only Mode

For generating the Authentication Key for CVV Only Mode you will need to provide an existing token value, in place of the tokenScheme required in the normal Authentication Key.

tokenExIDstringYour TokenEx ID
originstringThe fully qualified Origin of your application
timestampstringThe timestamp (UTC) when the hash is generated, in yyyyMMddHHmmss format
tokenstringThe existing token to be associated with the provided CVV
TokenEx ID: 123456789
Timestamp: 20180109161437 (January 9th, 2018 4:14:37 PM UTC, formatted in yyyyMMddHHmmss format)
Token: 5454545454545454
Template: tokenExID|origin|timestamp|token
Concatenated String for generating HMAC: 123456789||20180109161437|5454545454545454

CVV Only Mode Configuration Object

CVV Only Mode requires a slightly different configuration object than the standard iframe implementation. Specifically, the parameters "inputType" and "placeholder" are used in place of "cvvInputType" and "cvvPlaceholder" and the parameter "cvvContainerID" is no longer needed.

tokenSchemestringtrueEither the name (case insensitive) or the JSON value of the Token Scheme used (see Token Schemes)
timestampstringtrueThe timestamp (UTC) when the hash is generated, in yyyyMMddHHmmss format
cvvbooltrueMust be set to true to enable this mode.
cvvOnlybooltrueMust be set to true to enable this mode.
tokenstringtrueIn CVV Only mode, the token the CVV is associated with must be provided.
cardTypestringtrueIn CVV Only mode, a card type must be provided to validate the CVV length.
var iframeConfig = {
    origin: "",
    timestamp: "20180109161437",
    tokenExID: "123456789",
    tokenScheme: "PCI",
    authenticationKey: "QmFzZTY0KEhNQRNTSEEyNTYoIlRva2VuRXhJRHxPcmlnaW58VGltZXN0YW1wfFRva2VuU2NoZW1lKSk=",
    cvv: true,
    cvvOnly: true,
    token: "545454RZQr9d5454",
    cardType: "mastercard"