A request and response troubleshooting tool


The Echo API is intended to be a troubleshooting tool that yields insights about http requests and the way information comes across to other servers.

Recommended usage: TGAPI's tx-url header or a Proxy Profile's URL or anything else that may require troubleshooting how information is passed between servers.

Available at: https://tokenechoendpoint.azurewebsites.net/api/echo

There are four endpoints within this API:


/echo: returns exactly what was sent in the format it was sent. Request headers can be viewed in the response headers section. Always returns a 200. To use Response Simulation, include the query parameter ResponseSetKey.
Supports GET, POST, and PUT.


/echo/httpbin: returns a response in the format of httpbin.org/anything.
Supports GET, POST, and PUT. Always returns a 200.


/httpstatus/statuscode?sleep=0: returns a response in the format of httpstat.us. Returns any valid HTTP status code sent in the path. It also supports a query string parameter, sleep, which accepts a value in milliseconds (2000 ms = 2 seconds). There is no cap on the sleep limit; useful for testing delayed or timeout scenarios. Content sent in the body is ignored.
Supports GET, POST, and PUT.


/echo/encapsulated: returns the request in a JSON format that allows access to all headers, form fields, and files via key-value pairs. Always returns a 200.
Supports GET, POST, and PUT.