Using Custom Data Types

At present, TokenEx maintains up-to-date validations for major card brands. Using the custom data type feature enables you to extend/alter the default validation logic when in PCI mode based on the card types you accept, including private-label and country-specific card brands.

You can supply an array of custom types in your configuration object's customDataTypes property.

typestringtrueThe name to be returned to you during validation events; using an existing type will override/replace TokenEx default validation
validRegexstringtrueRegular expression used to validate the input. Related: Card Type Validation Regexes
possibleRegExstringtrueRegular expression used to partially validate the input
This is commonly used to toggle logos/images of the brand detected while the user is typing.
Related: Card Type Validation Regexes
maxLengthstringtrueMax length of the expected input
cvvValidRegexstringfalseRequired when in PCI w/CVV or CVV Only mode
cvvMaxLengthstringfalseRequired when in PCI w/CVV or CVV Only mode
cvvRequiredstringfalseAllows a blank CVV input when false
luhnCheckboolfalseIndicates the system to verify Luhn compliance on custom card schemes

Default value is set to True

Note: - There will not be (Luhn compliance) format validation error if enforceLuhnCompliance parameter is set to false.

This will suppress the JavaScript Luhn check error, allowing the user to send the request to the backend. However if the token scheme doesn't allow skipping the Luhn check, the token generation will still error.
var iframeConfig = {
    origin: "",
    timestamp: "20180109161437",
    tokenExID: "REMOVED",
    authenticationKey: "REMOVED",
    pci: true,
    cvv: true,
    customDataTypes: [
        type: "privateCard",
        validRegex: "^(5019)\\d{12}$",
        possibleRegEx: "^(5019)\\d+$",
        maxLength: 16,
        cvvValidRegex: "^[0-9]{2}$",
        cvvMaxLength: 2,
        cvvRequired: false,
        luhnCheck: true