AU Batch File Structure

TokenEx takes on the heavy lifting of creating the Account Updater file format required by Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover, allowing our clients to send us a simple .csv file containing tokenized card numbers and expiration dates. The Account Updater response file is then returned in the same format.

The AU file you send to TokenEx should contain a token, expiration date, and sequence number (optional) in the format outlined below.



An AU response will return in approximately 3 business days with the initial data plus any new tokens, expiration dates, and response messages.

The Sequence Number* can only contain ASCII characters.

Batch File to TokenEx

Token Exp. Date (MMYY) Sequence Number*
*Optional field

Batch Response from TokenEx

Token Exp. Date (MMYY) Sequence Number* Updated Token Updated Exp. Date (MMYY) Response Message
444455U7VYWE0170,1225,01,,,Card Record Not Found
444455F67P0X0014,1225,02,,,Valid account; no update
444455Z6WTNW0022,1225,03,,1229,Account Expiration Date Updated
4444557JSYTL0030,1225,04,444455G1O5J61038,,Account Number Updated
44445581U27A0048,1225,05,,,Account is Closed
*Optional field



The maximum file size for an AU file is 2GB.