
TokenizeFromEncryptedValues is used to tokenize a credit card primary account number (PAN) that has been encrypted with the TokenEx public RSA key. An encrypted CVV may optionally be associated with the token.



TokenEx API v1 has been deprecated and is now in break/fix mode. All new enhancements are being added to API v2.


Request Parameters

APIKeystringSee Authentication
TokenExIDstringYour TokenEx ID
EncryptedDatastringThe encrypted value of the sensitive data you wish to tokenize
EncryptedCvvstringThe encrypted value of the CVV you wish to associate
TokenSchemeEnumSee Standard Token Schemes
	"EncryptedCvv": "40bd001563085fc35165329ea1ff5c5ecbdbbeef"

Response Parameters

TokenstringThe token as generated by TokenEx that references the sensitive data.
FirstSixstringFirst 6 characters of sensitive data. Provided when card length exceeds 14 characters.
LastFourstringLast 4 characters of sensitive data. Provided when card length exceeds 14 characters.
SuccessboolIndicator if the result was successful or not.
ReferenceNumberstringReference number for the TokenEx transaction.
ErrorstringError Code and human-readable description, blank if call succeeded.