Supported Versions

Gather card range and 3DS version information.


Test URI:
Prod URI:

Required Permissions: ThreeDSecureGeneralAccess

Request Headers: Authentication and Authorization
* denotes a required field

HTTP Request HeaderDescription
tx-tokenex-id*Like a username, this ID logically segments your tokenized data.
tx-apikey*Controls your access to individual function in the API
tx-token-schemeEither the name or the numerical value of the Token Scheme to be used
tx-tokenizeTrue/False. Defaults to False. If False, a TokenEx token can be provided in the "data" parameter. If True, a PAN can be provided, and a TokenEx token will be returned in the response using the token scheme as indicated by the tx-token-scheme header.

Request Parameters

* denotes a required field

data*stringPlaintext PAN to be tokenized or existing TokenEx token to be detokenized and passed along to gather supported 3DS versions for a PAN.
Plaintext PANs and detokenized values must be Luhn compliant.

Response Parameters

tokenstringThe TokenEx token associated with the PAN used in the request.
recommended3DSVersionobjectThe highest supported 3DS version of the three servers - 3DS, ACS, and DS - for each dsIdentifier supplied in the threeDSecureResponse. The authentication request should be sent with the value returned in this field. See Version notice below.
threeDSecureResponseobject arraySee ThreeDSecure Response table below.
thirdPartyStatusCodestringThe HTTP status code of the response provided by the 3DS provider
referenceNumberstringSupply this value when interacting with TokenEx support about a response.
successboolTrue or False dependent upon whether or not TokenEx was able to contact the 3DS provider.
errorstringIf an error occurs outside the threeDSecureResponse, this parameter will contain an error code and message.
messagestringA message in support of the TokenEx success and error parameters
threeDSMethodURLstringRelevant for performing device fingerprinting outside the TokenEx iFrame.
acsStartProtocolVersionstringThe earliest protocol version that is supported by the Access Control Server.
acsEndProtocolVersionstringThe most recent protocol message version number that is supported for the Access Control Server.
acsInfoIndObjectProvides additional information to the 3DS Server. The element lists all applicable values for the card range. See Brand Specific Guidelines for additional values.
01 = Authentication Available at ACS
02 = Attempts Supported by ACS or DS
03 = Decoupled Authentication Supported
04 = Whitelisting Supported
threeDSServerStartVersionstringThe earliest protocol version that is supported by the 3DS Server.
threeDSServerEndVersionstringThe most recent protocol message version number that is supported by the 3DS Server.
directoryServerIDstringRegistered Application Provider Identifier (RID) that is unique to the Payment System.
dsStartProtocolVersionstringThe earliest protocol version that is supported by the Directory Server.
dsEndProtocolVersionstringThe most recent protocol message version number that is supported for the Directory Server.
dsIdentifierstringIndicates the Directory Server for which the card range is enrolled/eligible.
For dual PANs multiple card ranges across Directory Servers will be provided.
Values to be expected:
threeDSServerTransIDstringUniversally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to identify a single transaction.

Version 2.1.0 Sunset


The version 2.1.0 is being sunset by the following brands: Mastercard, Visa, Discover, JCB, Amex. Authentications requests sent using version 2.1.0 to the respective directory servers (dsIdentifier) will begin returning errors when the sunset dates are reached.

BrandLast Day of SupportSunset
MastercardSeptember 23, 2024September 24, 2024
VisaSeptember 24, 2024September 25, 2024
DiscoverSeptember 24, 2024September 25, 2024
JCBSeptember 25, 2024September 26, 2024
AmexSeptember 29, 2024September 30, 2024
Cartes BancairesUnknown*Unknown*

*No sunset information for Cartes Bancaires (CB) has been communicated to our service provider. Using 2.1.0 past September 24, 2024 should be done with caution.

Request and Response Examples



  "data": "4242424242424242"
  "token": "a0cea820-23fb-4b8c-87ab-f44f0d513a79",
  "recommended3dsVersion": {
    "MASTERCARD": "2.2.0"
  "threeDSecureResponse": [
      "threeDSMethodURL": "",
      "acsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
      "acsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
      "threeDSServerStartVersion": "v1",
      "threeDSServerEndVersion": "v2",
      "acsInfoInd": [
      "directoryServerID": "A000000004",
      "dsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
      "dsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
      "dsIdentifier": "MASTERCARD",
      "threeDSServerTransID": "d30c45c3-d8bc-49f2-8799-b9da53b3d8ee"
  "thirdPartyStatusCode": "200",
  "referenceNumber": "021081300184804066092",
  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "message": "SupportedVersions Successful!"
  "token": "a0cea820-23fb-4b8c-87ab-f44f0d513a79",
  "recommended3dsVersion": {
    "MASTERCARD": "2.2.0"
  "threeDSecureResponse": [
      "threeDSMethodURL": "",
      "acsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
      "acsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
      "threeDSServerStartVersion": "v1",
      "threeDSServerEndVersion": "v2",
      "acsInfoInd": [
      "dsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
      "dsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
      "directoryServerID": "A000000004",
      "dsIdentifier": "SANDBOX2",
      "threeDSServerTransID": "73a4f36a-17ef-4499-854a-f8128323f97d"
      "threeDSMethodURL": "",
      "acsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
      "acsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
      "threeDSServerStartVersion": "v1",
      "threeDSServerEndVersion": "v2",
      "acsInfoInd": [
      "dsStartProtocolVersion": "2.1.0",
      "dsEndProtocolVersion": "2.2.0",
      "directoryServerID": "M000000004",
      "dsIdentifier": "SANDBOX_DS",
      "threeDSServerTransID": "73a4f36a-17ef-4499-854a-f8128323f97d"
  "thirdPartyStatusCode": "200",
  "referenceNumber": "021081300184804066092",
  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "message": "SupportedVersions Successful!"